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Rug Sites and Resources 
We have included here some links to sites that we feel represent this 'industry' and other resources that you might like to look at to better your education, improve your knowledge and otherwise enjoy.


Turkotek. A news and discussion forum which focuses mainly on Turkoman and Turkemen & Caucasian rugs. 


CORTS. The oriental rug and textile society based in Chicago


ICOC - The International Conference on Oriental Carpets, an organization dedicated to advancing the understanding of carpet and related textile arts, primarily of the eastern hemisphere.  


Armenian Rugs Society Organization devoted to the appreciation of Armenian rugs.


Hajji Baba Club New York based, the oldest society of rug collectors.


International Hajji Baba Society Washington, D.C. rug society.


Jozan Magazine on Oriental Rugs Photogallery, auction news and information on oriental rugs. A large number of images and links.


New England Rug Society A very active rug collector organization.


Philadelphia Rug and Textile Society A very active rug collector organization.


Philadelphia Museum of Art A superb collection of Safavid Persian and Ottoman Turkish and Mamluk Egyptian carpets, with several dramatic Dragon carpets from the Caucasus.


Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, Canada Excellent site from the small Museum for Textiles.


The Textile Museum, Washington DC, USA Major site for the major museum of rugs & carpets, with plenty of resources for the beginner and good information about upcoming exhibitions and events. Another site associated with The Textile Museum is Symmetry & Pattern an on-line version of a past Textile Museum exhibition, co-web-authored by curator Carol Bier.


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